There's Always Money in the Banana Stand

Okay okay, so right when I put my foot in my mouth and bash Netflix, they come back and TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES!

For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about (or are somehow blind to my above pic but yet still reading this story), Netflix is coming out with SEASON 4 of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT (Airing exclusively on Netflix on May 26th). I’m so happy I could cry. There have been rumors of this for years, and I know there is a movie in the works. I am just happy that we get to experience the mayhem and madness of a whole brand new season of Arrested Development one more time!

This show has a dry satirical humor that is definitely an acquired taste. Fortunately, the taste can be acquired by watching the show in its entirety from the beginning. The writing is incredibly witty, and the jokes build on each other. There are millions of inside jokes that can slip through the cracks if you don’t pay attention. Don’t dare miss an episode or you might not understand what’s going on because it travels so fast!

I predict this will be a hit. The comedy is sharp and the characters are even sharper. I own all three existing seasons on DVD and have seen every episode a hand full of times. Every time I watch an episode there is something new that I didn’t catch before and I can’t help but chuckle. This show is always funny, no matter what…so don’t forget, there’s always money in the banana stand!